What is it?
Good oral hygiene involves keeping your gums and teeth nice and clean, healthy and totally free from any kind of infection. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you’ll keep yourself safe from tooth decay, issues like periodontal disease, and your teeth will remain secure in your mouth due to the preservation of your gums and jaw.
Smoking makes you far more susceptible to periodontal problems. Quality Dental NHS Dentist Fulham urges all to stop smoking as soon as possible, and continuing with this habit can put your oral health in significant danger. You can contact your doctor if you’d like assistance with quitting.
How do I maintain my oral hygiene?
Your dentist or hygienist can advise you on which electric toothbrush to choose. If you wish to opt for a manual toothbrush, please ensure that:
- Your brush features a comfortable head size which allows you to brush your back teeth thoroughly
- It is made with nylon bristles, as natural bristles can allow bacteria to grow
- You either select a soft or medium-soft toothbrush
- Children under the age of 10 should have assistance from an adult when brushing teeth every day
If you’re brushing your child’s teeth, you will need to make sure you’re using a brush which features both a large handle and a small head.
Brushing Correctly
- Brush your teeth using circular motions on each and every tooth, both on the outside and inside of the tooth, as well as at the point when the tooth and gum meet.
- Use a horizontal action to clean and brush the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
Using Dental Floss
- Dental floss and/or interdental brushes can be used at least once per day, in order to ensure dental plaque is removed and the spaces between your teeth are cleaned.
- Fluoride helps to fight tooth decay.
- Antibacterial agents help to combat issues with dental plaque and also are effective at protecting you from gum diseases.
- Other ingredients may feature, depending on any specific issues with your teeth ( such as too much sensitivity etc)
- Children should only use toothpaste which is age-appropriate. It’s important to remember that children should only apply a small, pea-sized amount of toothpaste on their brush - no more.
- Children’s teeth should not be exposed to any more flouride other than that present in a children’s toothpaste (unless instructed otherwise by a dentist)
- Children who are older than six are able to use an adult toothpaste. Bleeding gums are an important sign that you need dental attention and care.
If you find yourself suffering from periodontal problems, you can be referred to two consecutive hygienist appointments via Quality Dental NHS Dentist Fulham as part of your treatment.